Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Aroma Festival and Camels!! Foundation Day!! Wine Tasting!!

     Last week there was an Aroma Festival in The Rocks in Sydney.  The Rocks are one of the oldest areas of Sydney and are located right under the Sydney Harbour Bridge.  The Aroma Festival is a coffee festival in which there are hundreds of tents all around with everything from about 50 different coffee shops to Turkish crepe things, camel rides, coffee cup paintings (picture to the right- made out of over 5000 coffee cups filled with milk and coffee and a combination of the two to make different tones.  It is the world's largest coffee painting or whatever you want to call it), cupcakes stands, gelato, and everything you could ever want in a festival.  There were some awesome things that I definitely just have to put pictures up of because it was the coolest ever.  For starters, I got to ride a camel along the edge of the harbor (picture below).  Yes, most of the riders were about 5 years old, but how could I turn down a ride on a camel for only $5?  What a steal!!!!!  It was a fabulous day and it was great to see the first of many festivals I plan on going to during my time here in Sydney.
     This past Thursday, 29 August, was Foundation day at my university.  Basically it is a day for the students to get wasted and attend classes drunk.  Everyone wore weird outfits including boys who dressed up like girls which was strange.  They had music playing all day, clubs performing, free gelato, pancake eating contest (which I sucked at but beat the guy I was racing against), and many other random things.  Then at night it is a big dance party both inside and outside.  I got to my uni at 9 am for class, got to the place on campus where Foundation Day was at at 4pm after class and didn't leave the uni til 1:30 am.  It was an extremely long day but an awesome day.  I've become quite the pool player and played for 5 hours that night.  I also was able to meet Australians for the first time really.  Since I live with 24 other Americans, I really don't get the chance to hang with Australians.  That night I met a ton of people and they said they would show us around town, teach us how to surf, and other things as well.  I also officially saw and talked to the second most beautiful guy I've ever seen in my life (only second to John).  Hopefully with these new connections, I can learn the Aussie things to do and places to go.  I'm tired of going out only to find other people from America there. 
     This Saturday I went to Hunter Valley to go wine tasting.  We stopped at three wineries and tried some really awesome wines.  I hated wine, except Moscato, before I left America but since wine is the only cheap drinks here, I have grown a liking for it.  The views were spectacular and the air was so clean and fresh being athe higher altitude.  It was a fabulous day being with all the girls from my house and being sophisticated trying all these really expensive, awesome wines.  My time here is still as amazing as it always is and I'm currently planning my trip to Fiji for Spring Break.  Enjoy the last weeks of summer break for me!

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