So I've been here for a few days now and I am really really enjoying myself. I'm finally finding my way around the city without a map which is really handy and I look less like a crazy tourist. And, with 7-11 being on every corner and right next to my hostel, I found $1 (small) and $2 (large) coffee. What could be better? This is a crazy deal because most coffees are $4 for just plain coffee. Since learning this secret, which isn't really a secret since it's advertised (Aussies spell things with an 's' instead of a 'z' which makes spell check change all my words) all over the place, I have gotten it every day and it truly brightens my life.
The weather is still crappy and rainy but it should be clearing up over the next days. I have had to learn how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius which is definitely something new. I haven't even started school but my clearly education has begun. And last night for the first time since I have arrived, I slept for 8 hours straight! It is because I listened to wise counsel and decided to push through the urge to nap all day long. I also set up my phone in Sydney today so I'll be able to call you all very shortly. Another two interesting things: 1) a homeless women asked me where I was from and so I said, "US, have you been there?" and she said and I quote, "hell no, every time a plane goes into the American skies, it comes crashing down" so I said kindly but curtly, "yeah.....that's not the case, the last time that really happened was 9-11 and it wasn't even our fault," strange people I tell ya! 2) every time I say I'm from America people say, "you don't look American." I don't even understand?? What do American's look like? I feel like I look like a typical American but apparently no one else thinks so. But back to my time here.....
(picture on left) and I think this is going to be my new hang out spot.
I also got some gelato which seems to be insanely popular here and I realized why it is so, because it is SO amazing. I tried guava today, but I'm sure I'll go through all the flavors by the end of my stay. Sydney strangely already feels like home, even though I've been here for 4 days and even though I have no home but a hostel. I do miss everyone back at home of course and I will be calling you all soon to catch up and will be able to skype july 9th when I move into my new apartment! I do have a few favors to ask of you all 757ers: 1) eat Three Amigos in my honor, 2) eat Rita's in my honor, 3) be Chuck and Blair honest, 4) watch The O.C. for me, 5) drink slurpees everyday, 6) bake a cake in my honor. With those, I'm sure it will feel like I'm right back in the 757.
Sounds so exciting! I love reading your updates! :)