Friday, June 25, 2010

Learning the City

     So I've been here for a few days now and I am really really enjoying myself. I'm finally finding my way around the city without a map which is really handy and I look less like a crazy tourist. And, with 7-11 being on every corner and right next to my hostel, I found $1 (small) and $2 (large) coffee.  What could be better? This is a crazy deal because most coffees are $4 for just plain coffee.  Since learning this secret, which isn't really a secret since it's advertised (Aussies spell things with an 's' instead of a 'z' which makes spell check change all my words) all over the place, I have gotten it every day and it truly brightens my life.  The weather is still crappy and rainy but it should be clearing up over the next days. I have had to learn how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius which is definitely something new. I haven't even started school but my clearly education has begun.  And last night for the first time since I have arrived, I slept for 8 hours straight!  It is because I listened to wise counsel and decided to push through the urge to nap all day long.  I also set up my phone in Sydney today so I'll be able to call you all very shortly.  Another two interesting things: 1) a homeless women asked me where I was from and so I said, "US, have you been there?" and she said and I quote, "hell no, every time a plane goes into the American skies, it comes crashing down" so I said kindly but curtly, "yeah.....that's not the case, the last time that really happened was 9-11 and it wasn't even our fault," strange people I tell ya!  2) every time I say I'm from America people say, "you don't look American."  I don't even understand?? What do American's look like?  I feel like I look like a typical American but apparently no one else thinks so.  But back to my time here.....
     I'm really liking Sydney a ton, maybe even more than I imagined.  I love big cities.  First of all, you can get anywhere and everything within a 30-40 minute walk.  Today I walked down to the Sydney Opera House which is also right next to the Royal Botanic Gardens.  These Gardens are absolutely beautiful with all kinds of trees (picture above and to the right) and birds I've never seen before.  The birds will come within a foot of you and just sit there so close to people, kind of like the squirrels at UVa- ssqquuuuuiiiirrreellll, ssqquuuuuiiiirrreelllll, ssqquuuuuiiiirrreelllll okay see you later- that was for you Sally.  Actually, Sydney reminds me of UVa in a lot of ways which is very difficult to imagine.  Obviously Sydney is a city and Charlottesville is more of a town but there are quite a few similarities.  First off, EVERYONE here runs, at all times of day, just like crazy UVa runners.  Second off, I love working for UTS because I love the smell of exhaust.  Sydney smells like exhaust at ALL times and it just comforts my being.  Third, the squirrels I just mentioned.  Fourth, the gardens at UVa are so pretty and I always felt like I could get away from life and just hang out in one of the gardens for a day and life would be better.  Which leads me to what I did today.  I just sat on a bench which looked out to the harbour and the sun bounced off the water and the metal of the Sydney Opera House and it was just spectacular.  I was there for 8 hours just reading on a park bench.  I took some pictures exactly where I was sitting
(picture on left) and I think this is going to be my new hang out spot.
I also got some gelato which seems to be insanely popular here and I realized why it is so, because it is SO amazing.  I tried guava today, but I'm sure I'll go through all the flavors by the end of my stay.  Sydney strangely already feels like home, even though I've been here for 4 days and even though I have no home but a hostel.  I do miss everyone back at home of course and I will be calling you all soon to catch up and will be able to skype july 9th when I move into my new apartment!  I do have a few favors to ask of you all 757ers: 1) eat Three Amigos in my honor, 2) eat Rita's in my honor, 3) be Chuck and Blair honest, 4) watch The O.C. for me, 5) drink slurpees everyday, 6) bake a cake in my honor.  With those, I'm sure it will feel like I'm right back in the 757.

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