Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Start of an Adventure

Hello all,
     I am currently packing up all my belongings to travel to Sydney, Australia.  Trust me when I say that keeping my luggage to under 100 pounds is VERY hard.  I leave for the airport in about 2 hours and will be flying out around 2:40 this afternoon.  I will arrive in Sydney on June 20th at 6:25 am.  I will never get a chance to live June 19, 2010.  Weird, huh? I will be in Sydney til December 17th studying at the University of New South Wales.
     I won't have internet very readily available in the hostel until I find permanent housing, but I plan on using this blog as a way that you all can see what I've been up to and document my journey.  I do have a skype account and would love to be able to keep in touch with you guys.  My skype name is Anyagirl10 so please add me so we can chat.  Keep in mind that I am 14 hours ahead of you so it might make it difficult to skype. 
     Please keep me in your prayers as I travel alone and to a completely new continent without knowing anyone.  I will keep you updated on my time in Sydney and I look forward to hearing all that is going on back home.    Thanks to everyone who made my last time in the US amazing. 

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